Monday, December 28, 2015

Book Art

One of my favorite projects that we do most years is recycled book art.  This is something we often do the week before Winter Break for a variety of reasons: it doesn't make sense to start something new, it gives those students that need to make up an assignment the chance to do so, and - most importantly - it's fun!  The books that students use have been weeded from our collection for some reason.  Most of them are already falling apart, but their pages are still beautiful.

This year we had a little contest between Ms. Papadakis's seventh graders and Mr. Wiggins's eighth graders to see who could create the best art out of recycled books.  These are books that have been weeded from our collection for some reason.  Our science art teacher Mr. Vacanti very kindly agreed to judge their artwork in order to choose the winner.

Students were allowed to work in groups of up to four students.  They used scissors and glue sticks to help put scraps of the books together.  Their work was judged on three criteria: craftsmanship, originality, and use of the source material - the book pages.

The runners up:
The Blue Bear in the Wild 


 And the winner is...
Pray for Paris

Many students used images from old almanacs as they were so bright and beautiful, but this group really did an exceptional job of taking those bright pictures and creating something out of them.

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