Monday, November 28, 2016

GRA: Making Connections

One of the most exciting parts of the Global Read Aloud is the opportunity to make connections with students in other places. We've been fortunate to get to communicate with classes in different locations.  One of those is Ms. Pogue's class in Dunsford, Ontario, Canada.  We've had the chance to learn more about them (and about Canada).  Even though the Global Read Aloud is over, third graders are still writing to our new friends!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

GRA: Yard Sale

This lovely Eve Bunting book inspired so many good conversations and so much empathy on the part of the first - third graders reading it.  The girl in the story is helping her family at a yard sale where they watch most of their things disappear in order to prepare for a move to a smaller place.

Monday, November 21, 2016

GRA: Twenty Yawns

Second and third graders found it impossible not to yawn themselves as we read Jane Smiley's Twenty Yawns for the Global Read Aloud!

We used Padlet to share ideas for what WE do when we're so tired at night and just can't sleep - just like the girl in the book.

Friday, November 18, 2016

GRA: The Reader

The third week of the Global Read Aloud found us reading Amy Hest's The Reader illustrated by Lauren Castillo.

Students decided what book they would have read if they were the reader in the book and shared their answers using the collaborative website Padlet.  Take a look at their answers through the links below.

Knerr's Class Padlet

Edwards and Harrison's Class Padlet

Patel's Class Padlet

Henry's Class Padlet

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

GRA: The Troublemaker

The second week of the Global Read Aloud focused on Lauren Castillo's book The Troublemaker which tells the story of a boy who gets in trouble for taking a toy that belongs to his sister.  Students who were really paying attention to what was going on in the background picked up on another troublemaker in the story!  We then discussed whether or not we would like to have a brother like the one in the book and why.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

GRA: Nana in the City

During the first week of the Global Read Aloud, first-third graders read Lauren Castillo's Nana in the City.  The boy in this book is feeling nervous as he visits his Nana in the big scary city.  She makes him a red superhero cape to help him faces his fears.  Students came up with ideas of what their own superhero cape could help them do.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Book Based Costumes

I'm a big fan of book based costumes.  This year I dressed up as the book The Paperbag Princess for Halloween.  If you haven't read it, this is a wonderful story that turns the standard princess tale on its head.  Mrs. Ginn dressed up as a Book Witch.  See if you can find some favorite titles on her costume!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Go Cubs Go!

What an exciting week we've had in Chicago!

Students if you still need a baseball fix now that the World Series is over come check out some of the wonderful baseball books we have in the library.